Thought Leadership #2 - Sustainability Integrated Operations

As the head of Global Commercial Operations for Uptake, Ajay Madwesh has created a five-part video series on thought leadership. This is the second installment of the thought leadership series discussing the topic of Sustainability Integrated Operation.

Read the video transcript below for your own convenience:

Today, we think of sustainability as something that you have to do. The future of sustainability is an integral part of everything that you do. This means that the data sets needed to achieve sustainability are not something you do as a separate function but rather as an integral function.

Fusion allows you to bring the data needed for a better sustainability analysis. Fusion helps you know where the energy consumption is the highest and the methods to consume less and less energy or emissions. 

For example, imagine yourself as a gas turbine manufacturer or gas turbine generator. How do you minimize? How do you operate the gas turbine in its sweet spot, producing the most energy with the least natural gas consumption? 

All this precludes that the time series data, the operational data is an integral part of those analyses. 

Our belief at Uptake Fusion is that today sustainability is being treated as something that you have to do on the side. But, over time – within the next three to five years, sustainability will become an integral means to operate, whether it's a plant, factory, etc. – that is the future we see. Fusion allows us to help clients who want to make sustainability an underlying principle of everything they do.

Learn more about Uptake Fusion.


Thought Leadership #3 - OT/IT Integration is not just about Data and Technology


Thought Leadership #1 - Industry X.0 and Large Scale Cloud Compute and Analytics